Friday, November 6, 2015

Joel Has Soul Part 5: It's Sad and It's Sweet

Today is a sad day, for it is the day of my last Joel Has Soul post on this blog. My final post will be a 70s Fever post, so get excited.

But in the meantime, I figured there was no better way to wrap up my Billy Joel series than with a few final thoughts from the Piano Man himself.  I've compiled some song quotes and themes from Joel's own life to create a list of Billy Joel life lessons.  Don't roll your eyes- you'll be needing all the inspiration you can get as finals week swiftly approaches.  So without further ado, enjoy :)
1.  Home
Not much of a lesson, I know; this is more of a life theme that frames many of Joel's songs.  It's no secret that Billy Joel loves New York and he's written several song that feature his physical home as a prominent subject.  But at the same time, throughout "You're My Home" he sings a series of sweet statements like "wherever we're together, that's my home".  In this way, Joel presents the idea of 'home' quite ambiguously.  Home can be a place, it can be a person, it could even be as simple as a melody or sense of self.  If you've been feeling homesick, remember that you always more than one home to go back to.

2. Slow down every once in a while.
For me, life has been moving at the speed of life since I arrived at Penn State just a few months ago, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. It's easy to become so wrapped up in work and thinking about the future that before we know it, the entire fate of the free world rests upon us passing one quiz or getting a sentence just right in a paper.  But in his perennial hit "Vienna", Joel reminds us that "it's alright, you can afford to lose a day or two" and "you can't be everything you want to be before your time."  Take a deep breath.  Billy Joel's got your back.

3. Don't take yourself too seriously.
This is a life lesson straight from Joel's own life.  Despite being one of the most popular performers of his generation (not to mention holding seven honorary doctorates), Joel continues to make jokes about himself to the press and at every concert, and often graces reporters with his profound insights.

4. Never be afraid to explore and try new things.
Are your parents, obscure relatives, and friends trying to convince you that majoring in comparative literature with minors in biology and astronomy makes no sense whatsoever?  The next time someone tries to stop you from taking risks, remember that Billy Joel has produced songs in the styles of doo-wop, classic rock, pop hits, and power ballads.  His subject matter has ranged from the Vietnam War to north-Atlantic fishing towns to love.  Clearly, Billy Joel wants you to do you.

5. Savor these moments.
Yeah, life may be a bit rough right now.  The honeymoon phase has ended, and we're truly in the deep end with school work and stress.  But don't forget to embrace the tough moments too.  In nostalgic yet honest songs like "I've loved These Days", Joel teaches us that life is made up of good and bad times, and every personal trial adds that much more depth to our lives.  And when you find yourself in a contemplative mood, take advantage of it ponder the big questions.  It's fun to be all "Only the Good Die Young" for awhile, but don't be afraid to explore the "Summer Highland Falls" side of life every now and again.
And that's it! Hopefully throughout these five posts you've been able to find at least one Billy Joel song to jam to; thank's for tuning in to Joel Has Soul!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kay, I like how you took away so much from Billy Joel's songs. I think it's important to keep reflecting and relating on things in your life. Great advice!
